Open Source Heartbeat: Open Source Heartbeat

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gauthier12 open issue florianfesti/boxes#687.

new category for boardgame

Hi, …View Comment

hppritcha open issue hppritcha/prrte#2.

Remove psched tool from Open MPI PRRTe fork

View Comment

grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-core#6051.

job-manager possibly sends alloc requests after jobs have been canceled

In flux-framework/flux-sched#1222 @trws observed …View Comment

artv3 open issue LLNL/RAJA#1675.

Reduce redundant code in examples

PR introduces a new format for RAJA examples. Advantages include reduced code duplication while maintaining the ability to run a variety of backends when available. We can draw inspiration from this example to clean up other examples. …View Comment

tpatki closed issue LLNL/variorum#513.

Add rocm 6.0.2 dependency to docs.

View Comment

tomstitt open issue LLNL/PyDV#277.

`create_plot` returns the `plt` module (instead of a handle to the plot)

I’m not sure if this is intended but create_plot returns matplotlib.pyplot (plt) instead of a plot-specific reference like figure or axis, does it make sense to return those instead? I currently just matplotlib.pyplot.gcf() after calling create_plot to interact with the reference but that is less ergonomic imo. …View Comment

JustinPrivitera open issue visit-dav/visit#19605.

Make CSV an entry in the Export Options

We should add CSV to the list of export options. When you select it, it will use Blueprint to CSV to do what you want. …View Comment

tpatki closed issue LLNL/variorum#553.

Newer MI200+ GPUs report GPU-domain-level (GPU socket-level) power data as opposed to individual devices

As an example from our MI200 node, here’s what rocm-smi(v6.0.2 onwards) reports. Note here that GPU devices 1,3,5,7 do not report power values but report a N/A instead. This is by design. …View Comment

jeremylt open issue freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp#55194.

Profile GitLab Link

### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe….View Comment

jameshcorbett open issue flux-framework/flux-coral2#166.

Stop daemon on compute nodes after jobtap prolog completes

There are clientmount daemons running on every compute node to handle the mounting and unmounting of rabbit file systems. The daemons produce noise, and there have been some investigations lately into how to reduce it. In theory the daemons only need to be running when there are file systems to mount or unmount, at the beginning and end of jobs. …View Comment

mplegendre open issue dyninst/dyninst#1763.

Missing entries in DWARF line information lookup

When looking up line information entries by address, SymtabAPI is failing to return some line entries that should exist. …View Comment

chu11 closed issue LLNL/magpie#343.

fix cornercase / functionality / default tests

It has been a long time since I have tested “default”, “cornercase” and “functionality” tests (I normally just test specific hadoop/spark versions). it appears various test errors have creeped in over the years as little things in newer versions have changed. …View Comment

cyrush open issue Alpine-DAV/ascent#1317.

replay -- parse actions before reading data

best to know if you have malformed actions before you spend effort doing I/O. …View Comment

v-dobrev open issue xiaoyeli/superlu_dist#166.

Potential issue when using PARMETIS column permutation in v8.2.1

I noticed this during testing of mfem-4.7 with SuperLU_DIST v8.2.1 – one of the mfem examples that uses SuperLU_DIST, examples/ex11p.cpp hangs when run with: …View Comment

corbett5 closed issue ITensor/ITensorMPOConstruction.jl#17.

Follow style guides for casing of function names and keyword arguments

In Julia, it is standard to use snake casing rather than camel casing, see style guides such as and….View Comment

jeremylt closed issue Eudicods/outworlds-wastes#15.

Official Release

I would like to release a stable version of the rules around the time that the Mercenaries Kickstarter boxes arrive for people. …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/spath#30.

spath release for SCR v4.0

See SCR v4.0 project: …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/shuffile#33.

Shuffile release for SCR v4.0

See SCR v4.0 project: …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/redset#56.

Redset release for SCR v4.0

See SCR v4.0 project: …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/rankstr#24.

Rankstr release for SCR v4.0

See SCR v4.0 project: …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/er#42.

ER release for SCR v4.0

See SCR v4.0 project: …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/KVTree#73.

KVTree release for SCR v4.0

See SCR v4.0 project: …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/AXL#144.

AXL release for SCR v4.0

See SCR v4.0 project: …View Comment

hppritcha closed issue spack/spack#42651.

Installation issue: OpenMPI@5.0.{1,2} incorrect pmix dependency version range

### Steps to reproduce the issue …View Comment

BradWhitlock closed issue LLNL/axom#1337.

Calling host function in host device function.

The following was reported on Teams. A host function is being called from a host_device function. In this case, the std::numeric_limits<>::max() function is being called and it is host-only. Calls like this could affect Axom on CUDA or HIP. …View Comment

jakubcerveny closed issue jakubcerveny/gilbert#11.

C implementation returns 0, 0 as an index for larger dimensions.

I think it is because of this line. …View Comment

grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-sched#1222.

submitting a large number of jobs and canceling them caused scheduler "hang"

On elcap a user submitted a large number of jobs, each requesting a specific node, then thought better of it and canceled them all. For the past few hours the scheduler has not scheduled any jobs and the “alloc pending” count is stuck at many thousands. …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue visit-dav/visit#19591.

Cannot parse xdmf file

### Describe the bug …View Comment

vsoch closed issue flux-framework/spack#193.

[package-update] for flux-sched: update-package/flux-sched-2024-06-07

This is a request to open a pull request for a package update….View Comment

grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-core#6038.

flux-start silently ignores `--recovery` when `-s, --test-size` is also present

``` …View Comment

artv3 closed issue LLNL/RAJA#1566.

Add expt::KernelNaming forall example

We are missing an example that exercises the kernel naming capability in RAJA::forall. At the moment I can’t seem to compile the example provided in the RAJA docs ( …View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-sched#1221.

add ability to query current schedule

Problem: as mentioned in #1219, it would be handy to be able to dump a schedule snapshot, perhaps as json. …View Comment

wihobbs open issue LLNL/maestrowf#444.

feature request: "prettier" error message for missing keys or empty YAML file

Hi folx! I was working with some new-to-HPC users in a tutorial this morning, and one of them observed that when a blank YAML or YAML missing values was passed to maestro run, you get an entire Python traceback: …View Comment

cyrush open issue Alpine-DAV/ascent#1310.

compile issue when dray stats are off?…View Comment

v-dobrev open issue mfem/mfem#4335.

Fix the FMS unit test and the FMS example file `data/star-q3.fms`

The FMS unit test fails as of v4.7. We need a tolerance when comparing the node coordinates. …View Comment

grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-core#6026.

`flux overlay status` is slow on large systems

flux overlay status is slow on large system instances with a flat TBON. There is potential that it is unnecessarily contacting all rank 0 children serially to produce the default output. …View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-pmix#100.

rhel 9 compilation errors

Problem: rpm build of flux-pmix fails in our rhel 9 build farm with …View Comment

jedbrown open issue FossifyOrg/Messages#180.

Group messages have wrong authors

### Checklist…View Comment

jeremylt open issue CEED/libCEED#1595.

NumElem arg for BasisApplyAtPoints

With the GPU strategy I’m using for AtPoints, I need to modify the BasisApplyAtPoints signature to include a number of elements argument…View Comment

artv3 open issue LLNL/raja-suite-tutorial#19.

Advanced tutorial

- [ ] Example of using gpu loop vs direct policies @kab163 …View Comment

cyrush open issue Alpine-DAV/ascent#1306.

add ability to clear expr + query history

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markcmiller86 open issue visit-dav/visit#19565.

This is alarming...Engine and mdserver linked with DB plugin libs!

Go to build dir for engine and do a make clean; make VERBOSE=1 >& junk.out and then grep junk.out for hdf5. You will get hits. But, you should NOT get hits for hdf5. hdf5 is used only in a database plugin lib. If I look at a link of the libengine_ser.dylib, I get all the items listed below. …View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-test-collective#22.

create environment for flux-core t2410-sdexec-memlimit.t to run

Problem: t2410-sdexec-memlimit.t is skipped in flux-core’s regular CI. …View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-sched#1210.

investigate unscheduled jobs during cancelation leak

As noted in flux-framework/flux-core#5990, some follow up is needed on why jobs weren’t scheduled when the “alloc leak” occurred on el cap….View Comment

vsoch open issue flux-framework/flux-k8s#71.

Post refactor changes needed

- [x] Update fluence to go 1.20 or 1.21: We are going to hit issues using fluence (go 1.19) with other integrations like rainbow (go 1.20) and on our systems (go 1.20), and after #69 should consider updating. …View Comment

milroy closed issue flux-framework/flux-k8s#71.

Post refactor changes needed

- [ ] Update fluence to go 1.20 or 1.21: We are going to hit issues using fluence (go 1.19) with other integrations like rainbow (go 1.20) and on our systems (go 1.20), and after #69 should consider updating. …View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#546.

Add power capping functionality to Sapphire Rapids.

Add the functionality for variorum_cap_each_socket_power_limit and variorum_cap_best_effort_node_power_limit by adding two new low-level functions to the 06_8F file for our RIKEN collaborators. …View Comment

artv3 closed issue LLNL/RAJA#1651.

fix SYCL example

When built with SYCL, the dynamic_mat_transpose.cpp example code fails at run-time. I haven’t investigated, it could be a memory issue. The example also uses the RAJA method setQueue to set a global SYCL resource. This should be removed and pass a SYCL resource to the launch method directly instead. The RAJA setQueue method is going away….View Comment

JustinPrivitera closed issue visit-dav/visit#18226.

Upgrade VisIt to the latest and greatest Conduit

Eventually, we must upgrade Conduit to the next version (likely 0.8.5) so we can take advantage of wedge and pyramid support. …View Comment

bhatele closed issue hpcgroup/pipit#102.

Update HPCToolkit reader to access meta.db

Since HPCToolkit version 2022.10.01, we switched to the new database format, which uses meta.db instead of experiment.xml from the old database format. …View Comment

cyrush open issue LLNL/conduit#1283.

error building with numpy 2

Error from conda forge numpy 2 build …View Comment

adayton1 open issue LLNL/axom#1342.

Fast closest_point operator for Quadrilateral and/or Polygon

Does anyone know of a fast algorithm for computing the closest point to a (possibly non-planar and possibly concave) quadrilateral or polygon? I have an application that currently computes the algebraic center of a quadrilateral and then uses that to divide the quadrilateral into 4 triangles. The closest point is then computed for each triangle and we take the one with the minimum squared distance. But this algorithm is expensive (currently accounts for about 15% of the run time)….View Comment

vsoch open issue isala404/kube-ebpf#1.

Updated version?

Hi! I’m trying to test this out (just locally with kind to start) and there is an issue with the init-headers: …View Comment

jakubcerveny closed issue jakubcerveny/gilbert#12.

How to modify it to a curve generation algorithm for local encryption

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grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5987.

hostlist: perf issue in `hostlist_find_host()` due to `hostname_create()`

@trws noted in some perf benchmarking of Fluxion that hostlist_find_host() and specifically hostname_create() was taking a large percentage of time due mainly to the calloc(3) used in creating the struct hostname used for matching purposes. …View Comment

vsoch open issue converged-computing/rainbow#37.

ARM build needed for arm clusters that deploy rainbow

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tpatki closed issue LLNL/variorum#544.

Incorrect GPU utilization parsing in var_monitor

We noticed in the hackathon yesterday that two GPUs are missing in the output CSV due to a minor parsing error. …View Comment

JustinPrivitera open issue LLNL/conduit#1279.

`generate_sides` for matsets

It would be good to have a path for material sets defined on polytopal topologies….View Comment

tzanio open issue mfem/mfem#4296.

Missing documentation

We should probably add the fem/integ directory to the list of Doxygen documentation directories and check if other important directories are missing….View Comment

vsoch open issue converged-computing/rainbow-experiments#3.

Next spack experiments

- [ ] Fix bug that clusters are added to config (with empty token) …View Comment

BradWhitlock open issue LLNL/axom#1337.

Calling host function in host device function.

The following was reported on Teams. A host function is being called from a host_device function. In this case, the std::numeric_limits<>::max() function is being called and it is host-only. Calls like this could affect Axom on CUDA or HIP. …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue visit-dav/visit#19506.

3.4.1 doesn't work with trackpad on macOS

### Describe the bug …View Comment

cmoussa1 closed issue flux-framework/flux-docs#105.

flux-accounting: add docs for building, installing, and setting up flux-accounting

Once flux-accounting v0.10.0 is released, it would be a good idea for me to add some official documentation on building/installing flux-accounting and setting it up on a machine. This should include instructions on some of the major components of flux-accounting, which include: …View Comment

jameshcorbett open issue flux-framework/flux-coral2#161.

Enable more flexible lustre scheduling

If #157 goes in and changes the layout of the resource graph, it will enable jobspecs that look like this: …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue HDFGroup/hdf5#4471.

h5ls cores on toss4 system @llnl compiled with IntelOne API

I am attaching a tar file with as much info as I can provide. …View Comment

samuelkgutierrez closed issue hpc/quo-vadis#35.

Cross-Paradigm Scope Acquisition

We probably need a cross-paradigm scope acquisition function. For example, threads acquiring and then operating on a scope created from within an MPI context. In this use case, the idea is that the threads want to operate within the hardware bounds defined by the scope created by the parent MPI process. …View Comment

alizma open issue LLNL/echemfem#14.

Documentation for fluid solvers?

The provided fluid solvers seem somewhat opaque and would benefit from further discussion. What are the permissible ranges of parameters? Maybe some references to how this works would also be helpful. …View Comment

vsoch closed issue converged-computing/

Add contributors badges to README

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tgamblin closed issue spack/spack#43267.

post-solve `output.satisfies(input)` check returns false positive when input is (partially) concrete

### Steps to reproduce …View Comment

adayton1 open issue LLNL/axom#1332.

Vector normalization

Axom currently handles normalizing the zero vector (and tiny vectors) by returning {1, 0, 0}. Is this really the behavior we want? …View Comment

hppritcha open issue mpi-forum/mpi-issues#849.

PR 938 needs a changelog entry for MPI 4.2

# Problem …View Comment

chu11 open issue chaos/cerebro#25.

socket buffer size could be increased

On very large clusters we’ve seen listeners lose packets (grep for port 2293 (8851 in hex) on /proc/net/udp). …View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#543.

Variorum get_current_version reports old version 0.5.0

Tested on Lassen with commit 50b21f on 5/2. Need to update version. …View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/msr-genie#10.

Add link to paper in README…View Comment

jameshcorbett open issue flux-framework/flux-sched#1193.

Match policies malfunctioning on rabbit-like graph

Using the match policies low and lownode on this JGF representation of rzvernal: rzvernal_R_norabbit.jsonView Comment

jedbrown closed issue rsmpi/rsmpi#182.

Should ready send be unsafe?

Ready send is quite unsafe, as I’ve documented in after someone accidentally misused it. @jtronge @hppritcha :wave: Do you feel like there is any way to make a safe ready send (and would that be worth it)? My biggest concern here is that while misuse can often be reported by MPI, it is not even deterministically knowable whether the a receive has been posted before a ready send is initiated. I think there are some symbolic execution/formal methods techniques that can be applied to this problem, but I don’t see a way to get that sort of thing into the Rust type system. Also, I think ready-send is quite a niche that we shouldn’t be encouraging users to use. Shall I make the ready send interfaces unsafe for mpi-0.8?…View Comment

BradWhitlock closed issue LLNL/axom#1324.

Find polygon by intersecting tet with a plane

@adayton1 requested a method to find the polygon resulting from the intersection of a tetrahedron with a plane. This would enable EL3D to use Axom to underpin their 2D ProE shaping. Typically, ALE3D intersects a tet with the plane z = 0, obtaining a 2D polygon (dropping the z coordinate), then computes the volume of intersection of that polygon with nearby quadrilaterals….View Comment

chu11 open issue chaos/powerman#184.

redfishpower: add workaround for libcurl DNS race

A DNS race in libcurl exists in versions before 7.66, it can lead to redfishpower returning “network error” for power operations (“ Timeout was reached” after PR #183). It appears to exist in RHEL libcurl-7.61.1-33.el8_9.5.x86_64. …View Comment

imguoguo open issue riscv-software-src/opensbi#353.

System freezes when setting smp value to 54 or higher with qemu-system-riscv64

Description:View Comment

jeremylt open issue freeCodeCamp/news#877.

Menu Button on News Platform

### Describe the Issue…View Comment

wihobbs open issue flux-framework/flux-test-collective#21.

add multiple brokers per node

@grondo caught an issue in intel-MVAPICH on corona mentioned in flux-core#5912 that shows up when running multiple brokers per node. That’s a configuration we should be testing….View Comment

adayton1 closed issue LLNL/axom#1307.

Add test cases for finding the closest point on a triangle

My application is getting fairly different answers in some cases when using the closest_point query. I noticed there are no test cases for the triangle case. Having a few test cases would definitely increase my confidence that closest_point is actually doing the right thing. …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue elastic/support-diagnostics#690.

Add support for sanitizing kibana and logstash bundles

Right now, the sanitization script / readme states: …View Comment

cmoussa1 open issue flux-framework/flux-accounting#445.

docs: move flux-accounting guide to this repo

The flux-accounting guide in flux-docs should be moved to this project instead of living in flux-docs….View Comment

cyrush open issue Alpine-DAV/ascent#1278.

all reuse of past actions

if user knows actions won’t change, provide a path to avoid checking for ascent_actions.{yaml,json}, and use last set of actions….View Comment

chu11 open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5906.

cron: race may cause cron jobs to never run again

While playing around with flux cron for #5905 noticed a corner case (or possibly 2). …View Comment

grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5904.

flux-perilog-run exits silently with failure when one or more ranks are not online

While debugging flux-framework/flux-sched#1182 it took much longer than necessary to determine what was going on because the prolog was failing silently. …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue elastic/integrations#9648.

New OpenShift Integration?

Hi there – …View Comment

aperloff open issue LLNL/SSAPy#1.

SSAPy v1.0.0 not properly closing the lunar harmonics file?

Describe the bugView Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#19456.

color tables missing between 3.3.3 and 3.4.1

### Describe the bug …View Comment

adrienbernede open issue LLNL/radiuss-spack-configs#100.

Clean up old compilers.

View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit-website#19.

direct pushes are allow, but you get yelled at

when pushing you will see: …View Comment

eleon open issue hpc/quo-vadis#105.

Test double split operations

Create a program in tests to test the following scenarios. Let’s say we have a dual socket node with 2 GPUs per socket. We also have four MPI tasks. …View Comment

jameshcorbett open issue flux-framework/flux-coral2#145.

dws-jobtap: handle dws service crashes

View Comment

cjekel open issue huggingface/transformers#30056.

SDPA gives nans/infs during sampling on ROCM w/ float16

### System Info…View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue herrBez/elastic-blog-openshift-logging#5.

Meta: Upstream an integration?

@herrBez - this might or might not be a question for you, but what do you think about the idea of turning all of these snippets into a dedicated OpenShift agent integration? That way we could just add all of these pieces in a package instead of piecemeal. …View Comment

jamiebramwell open issue LLNL/serac#1099.

Add SLEPc for eigenvalue solvers

This should be fairly straightforward now that we build with PETSc.…View Comment

adayton1 open issue LLNL/axom#1305.

Requesting closest_point operator for Segment

This is a request for a closest_point operator for finding the closest point on a Segment. …View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#19435.`slurm`) --> use SLURM_NPROCS

### Describe the bug …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue LLNL/Silo#372.

toc object returned from python interface not iterable or introspectable

In the python interface, DBGetToc() returns a toc object that that object is useless except to print. A program needs to be able to iterate over it, introspect it, etc….View Comment

cyrush open issue Alpine-DAV/ascent#1266.

check that visit session converter works with python3

check current status of visit session python and add a unit test for the converter to make sure it stays healthy….View Comment

jameshcorbett open issue flux-framework/flux-coral2#139.

Draining compute nodes that lose connection with their rabbit

Sometimes compute nodes can lose their connection with their rabbits. When this happens they should be drained. Although compute-only jobs could still run on those nodes, Brian Behlendorf and @garlick seemed to agree in separate offline discussions that draining the nodes will get admins to investigate; if the nodes were not drained, they might not notice….View Comment

jameshcorbett open issue NearNodeFlash/

Testing / kind environment: marking `Storage` compute nodes as offline

For testing purposes it would be nice if there was a mechanism to mark compute nodes as “Offline” in the Storage resource so that I could check that Flux handles the update correctly. …View Comment

JustinPrivitera closed issue LLNL/conduit#1265.

generate_sides needs w/ fields output needs to be robust to no fields input

This will fail if the source mesh lacks fields: …View Comment

adayton1 open issue LLNL/RAJA#1618.

Support assignment operator for layouts (and views)

RAJA/util/TypedViewBase.hpp:481:23: …View Comment

vsoch open issue converged-computing/ensemble-operator#6.

Design Thinking: submitting jobs

I’m looking at a traditional “submit this job” minicluster, e.g., here is the current lammps: …View Comment

chu11 closed issue chu11/freeipmi-mirror#69.

don't use MAXHOSTNAMELEN for hostname buffer size

see…View Comment

uvilla open issue pecos/tps#261.

Assign GPU to MPI rank

The current way that in TPS we assign a GPU to each MPI rank is (see here ): …View Comment

jandrej open issue EnzymeAD/Enzyme#1802.

Injected headers for c++ break tooling

The injected headers in break tooling like clangd for autocompletion. …View Comment

jeremylt open issue CEED/libCEED#1532.

Drop duplicate headers

Loading source to a string for JiT currently chases all local includes. It would help for debugging if we make sure we only include each file once….View Comment

garlick open issue chaos/powerman#165.

a send string wtih stray printf tokens can cause a segfault

From …View Comment

alizma closed issue METHODS-Group/DRDMannTurb#44.

Test Suite

We should include tests for basic functionality for …View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#532.

Add support for print and JSON APIs for GPU energy values

View Comment

vsoch open issue go-hep/hep#1010.

distributed use cases?

Hi! I’m looking for a go framework to run experiments on an HPC cluster, and I’m wondering if any of your simulations are amenable to that? Basically I can have a set of connected nodes and (if the library supports something like distributed) I’m hoping to use them. Thanks!…View Comment

vsoch closed issue flux-framework/flux-operator#211.

Refactor v0.2.0: Read if you want to use the Flux Operator!

We have a WIP pull request that will make several improvements to the Flux Operator, and if you are using for the first time we recommend you use this version. The reason we aren’t merging is to await a paper (that details notes from the previous version). …View Comment

jedbrown open issue rust-lang/mdBook#2337.

Codegen/profile options in configuration

### Problem…View Comment

jandrej closed issue mfem/mfem#4186.

QuadratureSpace and FinitelElementSpace discrepancy for GetVDim

QuadratureSpace doesn’t track the vdim whereas FinitelElementSpace does. …View Comment

cyrush open issue Alpine-DAV/ascent#1257.

issue building vtk-m with gcc (8.3.1) + cuda (10 or 11) on LLNL lassen

Compiler info: …View Comment

agcapps closed issue LLNL/axom#1210.

Read bbox subset of mesh

Users of a code have been spotted reading in huge ProE mesh files with abandon, then complaining when they run out of memory. (“All die. O the embarrassment.”) My first answer is “well, don’t do that.”
View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#19385.

timeslider output format bug

### Describe the bug …View Comment

markcmiller86 closed issue markcmiller86/hello-numerical-world#6.

Critical Documentation

The update_solution_* functions should have doc-strings in the code so that people can modify and test them. Currently there is minimal documentation. …View Comment

gardner48 closed issue LLNL/sundials#211.

[RFC] Request for comment on a proposal to require a (almost) C99 compliant compiler to build SUNDIALS

The SUNDIALS team is requesting comments in regard to the following proposal. Specifically, we are interested in comments about negative impacts the proposal may have on our users (concrete or otherwise). …View Comment

adrienbernede open issue LLNL/radiuss-shared-ci#35.

Re-running "release allocation" job should be fail-proof.

We don

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#19368.

detect ssh key accept prompts when logging into a new system

### Describe the bug …View Comment

alecbcs closed issue spack/spack-gantry#15.

Tooling/config updates

- update pyproject.yamlView Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#522.

Rename powmon to var-monitor

Considering the added functionality in powmon, renaming it to var-mon or var-monitor may be a good idea….View Comment

jameshcorbett open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5771.

Transient `no job-ingest.submit service` error on elcap

Yesterday afternoon between 17:55 and 17:56 Brian Behlendorf submitted a bunch of jobs on elcap and they all failed with flux-run: ERROR: No service matching job-ingest.submit is registered. …View Comment

balos1 closed issue LLNL/sundials#249.

Values may overflow in SUNHashMap on Windows

See warnings in …View Comment

gardner48 closed issue LLNL/sundials#409.

Type conversion (maybe corrupting data)?

Hi …View Comment

cmoussa1 open issue flux-framework/flux-accounting#426.

plugin: move accounting-specific helper functions to `accounting.cpp`

The priority plugin has defined a number of helper functions that are specific to flux-accounting, and thus would make more sense if they were instead defined in accounting.cpp. After a perusal through the plugin code, the functions that make the most sense to move out would be check_queue_factor () and check_map_for_dne_only (). …View Comment

correaa open issue openbabel/openbabel#2675.

Make OpenBabel read pymatgen format

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.View Comment

vsoch open issue converged-computing/jsongraph-go#7.

serialization to json needs to remove element structure

View Comment

vsoch open issue c0mm4nd/go-hwloc#1.

topology can't be allocated in Go (Is this being maintained)?

I just tried adding to my library, and: …View Comment

vsoch open issue flux-framework/fluxion-go#7.

Conversion of JGF v2 to JGF v1

Fluxion currently requires JGF version 1. The version 2 is a better design that allows for indexing the nodes based on name (as opposed to a list) and there are subtle differences in the design. I would prefer to continue developing tools (e.g., compspec-go) anticipating v2, so I think an OK strategy for the time being will be to allow fluence to accept a v2 and convert to v1 to give to flux. I’ll be able to implement this shortly when I’m ready (I’m currently adding the export of the cluster graph from compspec-go, which I’m going to use version 2 for). This will mean that: …View Comment

cmoussa1 open issue flux-framework/flux-accounting#424.

`job.state.priority`: use new external function for association lookup, general function improvement

Continuing the various improvement surrounding the priority plugin code, the job.state.priority callback could stand to be improved by making use of the new external function(s) defined in accounting.cpp, as well as a few general comment and function description improvements….View Comment

jedbrown open issue CGNS/CGNS#754.

Format specifier macros for cgsize_t

HDF5 has the following definitions, which allow reading and formatting of type hsize_t. …View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#19343.

3.4.1 release build tracker

Tracking Issue for all 3.4.1 release builds done by LLNL team. …View Comment

vladotomov closed issue mfem/mfem#4144.

How to generate the right-hand side using an analytical solution?


tpatki open issue flux-framework/flux-sched#1146.

Performance Data Collection for Fluxion

Use either Caliper or PerfFlowAspect to annotate the key Fluxion functions to gather scheduling overhead data. …View Comment

tgamblin closed issue archspec/archspec#113.

Imprecise information returned from on Windows

On windows, archspec could return more significant info. It seems to provide default information that isn’t detailed for the current system. My understanding is that there should be similar outputs for windows and WSL2 since they are on the same physical machine. …View Comment

cyrush open issue LLNL/uberenv#129.

python3.12 dropping distutils

distutils is dropped in python 3.12 …View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#19328.

cant build vtk-9 with qt6 on toss4

### Describe the bug …View Comment

tgamblin closed issue spack/spack#40408.

All submodules unexpectedly fetched

#27293 introduces a method of a package defining specific submodules to update. If the package requests no submodules be updated by sending back an empty list, all submodules are updated….View Comment

samuelkgutierrez open issue hpc/quo-vadis#78.

Exchange Versions During Handshake

View Comment

grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5746.

job shell blocks at exit in degraded job

Problem: A Flux job can survive loss of a node or job shell if the shell rank does not intersect with the critical-ranks set. However, when that job eventually exits “normally” the remaining shells hang at exit, presumably waiting for the lost shell or shells to enter the exit barrier. …View Comment

tpatki open issue flux-framework/PerfFlowAspect#132.

Need to add CMake setup files

We need the equivalent of SetupJansson.cmake in this repository. …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue LLNL/toss-stig#46.

TOSS-04-020070 - MFA options

Make explicit to document with ISSO if using something else….View Comment

jamiebramwell open issue LLNL/serac#1080.

Investigate why DSuperLU can't be used when systems are resized

I had some issues with SuperLU in the tests where if the matrix was resized, then SuperLU wouldn’t work. This is an issue in SolidMechanics::warmStartDisplacement() where only the displacements are updated without the LM block. I only tested with strumpack and SuperLU, but if MUMPS/Pardiso/etc. are added to serac in the future, this macro may need to be updated… …View Comment

JustinPrivitera closed issue LLNL/conduit#1243.

Refactor Generate Sides code to take advantage of `data_accessor` set

Now that #1143 is complete, we can finish cleaning up generate_sides templating. See #1138 for more info and discussion….View Comment

JustinPrivitera open issue visit-dav/visit#19313.

The tests are broken: `No module named 'visit_testing'`

``` …View Comment

jakubcerveny closed issue jakubcerveny/gilbert#7.

Implement `d2xy`, `xy2d`, `d2xyz`, `xyz2d`

It would be nice to have stand alone conversion functions that convert from spatial dimensions to position along the curve (xy2d, xyz2d) and vice versa (d2xy, d2xyz). …View Comment

correaa open issue QMCPACK/qmcpack#4921.

some deterministic tests fail

Describe the bugView Comment

correaa open issue eliaskosunen/scnlib#101.

Library not working in Godbolt Compiler explorer

I am not sure if you have added the library to Godbolt, but in case you did, it is not working. …View Comment

cyrush closed issue LLNL/conduit#1238.

Use O2M index for matset converters…View Comment

daboehme closed issue LLNL/Caliper#533.

adiak_DIR, not adiak_PREFIX

Check this doc: …View Comment

daboehme open issue LLNL/GOTCHA#142.

Gotcha segfaults in Caliper-annotated code when finalizing Python

Hi all, I got a report from @pramodk about a gotcha-related segfault when using Caliper here: LLNL/Caliper#529 …View Comment

BradWhitlock closed issue LLNL/conduit#1245.

Strided structure topo crashes topology::length function.

I made a strided structured topo and wanted to compute its length using topology::length(). It crashes because the number of children (due to offsets, strides) causes the code to index out of bounds. …View Comment

JustinPrivitera closed issue visit-dav/visit#18716.

Blueprint Reader: Unstructured Points case is not correctly handled

Blueprint allows two kinds of point meshes. One is implicit: you set up explicit coordinates and then define an implicit topology of points on top of it. The topology will use all the points in the coordinate set. The other kind of point mesh is an unstructured mesh where the shape type is points. The difference is illustrated by the braid example. You can choose to have an explicit coordset with an explicit topo of points or an explicit coordset with an implicit topo of points. The unstructured (explicit) points case allows us to specify which points from the coordinate set we want to use. …View Comment

JustinPrivitera open issue LLNL/conduit#1243.

Refactor Generate Sides code to take advantage of `data_accessor` set

Now that #1143 is complete, we can finish cleaning up generate_sides templating. See #1138 for more info and discussion….View Comment

aschaf open issue mfem/mfem#4099.

Accessing LinearForm::boundary_integs_marker

Hi, is there currently a pull request implementing the missing getter-function for the boundary_integs_marker array of LinearForm? I did not realize that it was missing when I was fixing the constructor. Otherwise I would open a new PR and implement the GetBLFI_Marker() function. …View Comment

jamiebramwell closed issue LLNL/serac#1068.

Shape optimization filter implementation not matching mfem results in parallel

I’m trying to match an mfem implementation for a shape optimization filter using serac. The solutions matching serial, but not in parallel. The relevant code is pasted below. …View Comment

tzanio open issue GLVis/glvis#268.

Additional color palettes?

Consider adding support for additional color palettes such as the colour-vision deficiency friendly and perceptually-uniform colour maps at …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue elastic/integrations#8989.

Cisco IOS Grok Failure

Hi there – …View Comment

alecbcs open issue LLNL/hubcast#41.

Document basic account map functionality in contributing docs

## Problem/Opportunity Statement …View Comment

JustinPrivitera closed issue LLNL/conduit#1222.

Generic matset converter

It would be nice to be able to swap between matset types easily. …View Comment

agcapps closed issue LLNL/axom#101.

Group::load() and save() should return a success value

The lack of a success return value was a mistake in our design….View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/AMS#40.

Include PFA build in CI tests

As discussed with @koparasy last week, opening an issue so we remember to include PFA build in the CI tests, so we detect issues early. …View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5696.

FAIL: t2712-python-cli-alloc.t 28 - flux alloc: flux alloc vi works

This sharness test fails pretty reliably when I run make check -j12 on my desktop, but works when run by itself: …View Comment

cyrush open issue LLNL/blt#677.

Use of ALIAS target magic requires newish cmake

We need to work out which cmake versions can support BLT’s use of ALIAS style targets. …View Comment

correaa open issue seanbaxter/circle#199.

Can't deduce return of operator auto when the result involves a template

The compiler can deduce return of operator auto() when the result is a template: …View Comment

gauthier12 open issue cryptpad/cryptpad#1383.

Wrong background color in Kanban item content ?

### Description…View Comment

jedbrown open issue slint-ui/document-features#22. example has extra #

There is a comment in the code, but this accommodation in the code affects the example in the documentation: …View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#19237.

apply #18842 t 3.4 RC

View Comment

tpatki open issue flux-framework/PerfFlowAspect#127.

Cuda test should only be build if CUDA is found

CUDA shouldn’t be required, and c/tests/CMakelists.txt needs to have an if-block to check for CUDA. Needed on system such as quartz which don’t have GPUs. …View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#492.

Document the new get_gpu_power_json API

View Comment

jeremylt open issue freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp#53116.

Duplicate property in boilerplate CSS

### Describe the Issue…View Comment

samuelkgutierrez open issue hpc/quo-vadis#69.

Merge qv_scope_th_split() and qv_scope_split()

View Comment

bwpriest closed issue LLNL/MuyGPyS#187.

Docstring example in MuyGPS object leads to error

Running the example code in the MuyGPS docstring: …View Comment

jeremylt closed issue CEED/libCEED#1355.


We should remove CEED_BASIS_COLLOCATED for the v0.13 release in the spring…View Comment

dylan-copeland open issue mfem/mfem#4057.

Document different versions of GridFunction error computation functions

As discussed in, it is undocumented and unclear to me as to why different functions are called by GridFunction::ComputeL1Error depending on whether the input Coefficient is passed by reference or as a pointer. Some questions are: …View Comment

tgamblin closed issue spack/spack#36163.

Installation issue: BerkeleyGW source links are dead

### Steps to reproduce the issue…View Comment

jedbrown open issue Tehforsch/diman#50.

Arithmetic with references

In various circumstances, including with iterators such as below, you’re holding a reference and would like to perform arithmetic. …View Comment

jedbrown open issue jedbrown/llvm-jit-ptx#3.

Experiment with nvJitLink

The main concern is how to use components created by LLVM tools. …View Comment

dongahn open issue dongahn/argocd-test#1.


# Introduction …View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5642.

not ok 3 - fileref_create chunksize=0 'a-aa' works (2 sha1 blobrefs)

Problem: some sparse file fileref unit tests fail on Debian 12 tmpfs: …View Comment

BradWhitlock open issue LLNL/conduit#1223.

conduit::blueprint::mesh::topology::unstructured::verify passes on polygonal mesh with no sizes.

I was given a boundary mesh that is unstructured with “polygonal” zones but it did not have sizes. That seems BAD since without sizes, we would have to guess the number of points per zone. I passed this mesh to the unstructured::verify function and it passes whereas it should probably fail for polygonal meshes when sizes are missing. …View Comment

JustinPrivitera open issue LLNL/conduit#1222.

Generic matset converter

It would be nice to be able to swap between matset types easily. …View Comment

eliasboegel open issue sympy/sympy#26022.

Use of custom identities

Hi all, …View Comment

cmoussa1 open issue flux-framework/flux-accounting#404.

plugin: create external `bank_info` class

We’ve discussed it a bit in other issues/PRs (I’ve also opened flux-accounting #403 to begin to tackle this issue), but there is no official tracker for moving some methods/definitions out of the plugin and into its own class. …View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#19195.

volume plot original vs actual view extents issue

### Describe the bug …View Comment

correaa open issue josuttis/belleviews#9.

Problems just including header with gcc 13.x

The convenience header can be included without problem with gcc 12 …View Comment

jamiebramwell open issue LLNL/serac#1062.

Investigate initialization of previous_dt_ to -1

Not necessarily in this PR, but at some point, can we add a comment on why this value of previous_dt_ is needed? Is it connected to the particular implementation of backward Euler? …View Comment

agcapps closed issue LLNL/axom#1222.

Quest point-in-cell timing

The quest_point_in_cell_mfem unit test release is slower than debug. There may be a good reason for this; noting here for possible investigation. Is it possible the Debug build is doing less work? …View Comment

jedbrown open issue jedbrown/llvm-jit-ptx#1.

math library support

I’m still having trouble using the libm feature to num-traits because I’ve been unable to capture IR for libm. However, libm is known to have rather poor performance and Enzyme won’t automatically know how to differentiate it. There is some prior art in cuda-std, but it’s not compatible with num-traits. It does have a “libm override” feature, but I think people generally don’t want to use libm on the host either (it’s typically slow). In any case, the intrinsic approach needed special support in rustc_codegen_nvvm, so we may need to upstream something similar into rustc. I think the preferred ergonomics would be a cuda feature added to num-traits….View Comment

gillette7 open issue arXiv/html_feedback#144.

Algorithm package rendering

### Description…View Comment

CRobeck open issue llvm/llvm-project#75799.

[AMDGPU] Compiling with -x hip causes a linker error with host only function pointer

clang++ works successfully …View Comment

brendenpetersen closed issue dso-org/deep-symbolic-optimization#74.

create primitive set mapping name clash

in the create primitive set function below, there seems to be a possibility of mapping name clash. …View Comment

JustinPrivitera closed issue visit-dav/visit#19041.

More general Multiple Factor Authentication prompt

### Is your feature request related to a problem? …View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#19170.

flux operator error with non-trival var names

### Describe the bug …View Comment

trws closed issue spack/spack#30943.

Installation issue: Lua (Luarocks)

### Steps to reproduce the issue…View Comment

adammoody closed issue ECP-VeloC/er#39.

shuffile file not restored after a rebuild

The shuffile file is not correctly restored after rebuilding lost files. It should contain a list of files owned by the rank: …View Comment

milroy closed issue flux-framework/flux-k8s#44.

Fluence Refactor with kubernetes-sigs/scheduler-plugin

We want to refactor the build / deploy / testing of Fluence so that: …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue LLNL/toss-stig#39.

Overhaul TOSS-04-030890 - audit partition spacing

This control needs a pretty good overhaul to how it is worded. …View Comment

agcapps closed issue LLNL/axom#1156.

User code on BlueOS machine reports ptxas error when including IntersectionShaper.h

Error occurs when the source file has #include "axom/quest.hpp": …View Comment

JustinPrivitera open issue visit-dav/visit#19145.

Why can't I put a constant as the value for an expression?

Why can’t I do this? …View Comment

BradWhitlock open issue visit-dav/visit#19143.

Label plot does not adjust to zoom out.

### Describe the bug …View Comment

tgamblin closed issue spack/spack-github-action#7.

Releases and update for newer actions?

Hey spack-github-action maintainers! I’m wondering if it would make sense to: …View Comment

cyrush open issue LLNL/conduit#1209.

imporve error message shown when trying to write an empty node to the root of an hdf5 file

We can’t write a leaf or an empty node to the root of an HDF5 file. …View Comment

jedbrown open issue cu-numpde/fall23#2.

Sign up for group presentations

Please comment here with the day you wish to present, tag your group members, and state the name of your project and a sentence or two about your objective. Please link to your repository and/or presentation slides when ready (but sign up now). …View Comment

v-dobrev closed issue spack/spack#41382.

Installation issue: mfem+gslib

### Steps to reproduce the issue…View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue LLNL/toss-stig#37.

Investigate removing SSSD controls

SSSD is used for PKI authentication, but I’m not actually aware currently of anyone that uses it. There is language in the STIG for: …View Comment

adammoody open issue stas00/ml-engineering#13.

Daisy chain batch jobs

The job array works well to queue up multiple jobs: …View Comment

cyrush open issue LLNL/conduit#1205.

update python module cmake creation logic

Ascent’s distutils-based cmake python module creation logic is a bit more complex than conduit’s and it won’t survive changes in Python 3.10. …View Comment

chu11 open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5606.

python: support kvs commit_async function

Per discussion in #5389 …View Comment

wihobbs open issue flux-framework/flux-test-collective#6.

testsuite: gitlab ci cluster specific tests

As @grondo and @garlick pointed out in flux-framework/flux-core#5482, there are some tests we’d like to run in our CI on real clusters in addition to the normal testsuite. Some ideas (opening this issue with the hope others will add to this list): …View Comment

adammoody open issue NVIDIA/NeMo#7907.

Tools to parallelize Megatron tokenization

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.View Comment

jedbrown open issue EnzymeAD/rust#65.

Rust: Enzyme error when differentiating the same function two ways

The reproducer for this is in Rust: …View Comment

jedbrown open issue EnzymeAD/Enzyme#1555.

Rust: Enzyme error when differentiating the same function two ways

The reproducer for this is in Rust: …View Comment

wihobbs open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5562.

KeyError raised from assumption that `os.environ['PATH']` is always non-null

Getting an error where the PATH key value can’t be retrieved from flux run: …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue elastic/support-diagnostics#679.

Docker emulation as podman

Hi there – …View Comment

BradWhitlock open issue LLNL/conduit#1198.

Test failure with newer Intel compiler

Using a newer Intel compiler on the develop branch causes a couple of tests to fail. I built the code on TOSS4 using the following setup: …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue LimitPointSystems/SheafSystem#7.

Where are the test case .t files

tools/examples/ refers to 3 .t files used in testing. But, those files are not in this repo. Are they available somewhere else?…View Comment

cyrush closed issue visit-dav/visit#19038.

Serial VisIt with Blueprint file made of 3K files won't process all domains.

### Describe the bug …View Comment

markcmiller86 closed issue betterscientificsoftware/

Content: How does running a job at an LCF differ than on your laptop or cluster?

Placeholder for Lisa to write (in the future, not in time for site launch): …View Comment

JustinPrivitera closed issue LLNL/conduit#1191.

Silo root file in ParaView

Hello, …View Comment

artv3 open issue LLNL/RAJA#1566.

Add expt::KernelNaming forall example

We are missing an example that exercises the kernel naming capability in RAJA::forall. At the moment I can’t seem to compile the example provided in the RAJA docs ( …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue visit-dav/visit#19048.

Choose center for 3D scatter plot doesn't work

### Describe the bug …View Comment

wihobbs open issue flux-framework/flux-test-collective#4.

cd: make our builds globally accessible on the machines we test

From a slack discussion with @garlick, @grondo, @trws, and Ryan: …View Comment

CamStan closed issue LLNL/UnifyFS#72.

Improve error handling if /dev/shm too small

In #59 it was reported that an application crashed with SIGBUS if /dev/shm was configured with insufficient space. On the mailing list it was suggested that this case could be detected and reported more gracefully if we replace the use of ftruncate() with fallocate(), although that would sacrifice portability since fallocate() is Linux-specific. @adammoody also pointed out that we’d need to examine how memory pages are assigned to NUMA banks with fallocate()….View Comment

JustinPrivitera open issue visit-dav/visit#19033.

Enhance the OBJ writer to support inverted color tables and alpha values

It would be nice if the OBJ writer, when writing out a color table as a texture, could take into account whether or not the user has inverted the color table. It would also be nice if the OBJ writer could respect alpha values of color tables….View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5532.

FLUX_TERMINUS_SESSION is always set in the job environment

Problem: As noted in #5527, FLUX_TERMINUS_SESSION seems to be set in the job environment even when a pty was not requested. …View Comment

v-dobrev closed issue xsdk-project/xsdk-issues#245.

MFEM on Perlmutter

ld: cannot find -lcublas: No such file or directory …View Comment

agcapps open issue LLNL/axom#1210.

Read bbox subset of mesh

Users of a code have been spotted reading in huge ProE mesh files with abandon, then complaining when they run out of memory. (“All die. O the embarrassment.”) My first answer is “well, don’t do that.”
View Comment

eliasboegel open issue gpuweb/gpuweb#4357.

Operator overloading

Partially similar to #876. …View Comment

adammoody open issue LLNL/scr#579.

scripts: query environment to determine auto resource manager and job launcher

Currently, the SCR records the resource manager that was declared at install time in To allow a single SCR install to support multiple resource managers and/or job launchers, we could improve the Auto methods to try to guess the correct values. …View Comment

jedbrown open issue python-cffi/cffi#29.

stale docs missing 1.16 release

v1.16.0 was released in September, but the default docs ( only has up to v1.15.1. The latest ( or docs have v1.16.0rc1 (don’t know if the theme change was deliberate), which has pertinent information about working with python-3.12. None of the docs discuss pyproject.toml, which is a source of great consternation….View Comment

CamStan closed issue LLNL/UnifyFS#57.

Implement or remove unifycr_get_chunk_list()

Commit 75543ecf7a32f5e4dcf6297ee02a51da7480c360 removed the commented out code from unifycr_get_chunk_list() shown below. This left a function stub behind that should be fully implemented or removed if it’s not needed. …View Comment

hppritcha closed issue open-mpi/ompi#12016.

mpi4py: Regression (deadlock) in MPI_Comm_spawn

There is a new regression (deadlock) in Spawn operations with ompi@main [GHA link]. …View Comment

jedbrown open issue cu-numpde/fall23#1.

Sign up for community presentations

Please comment here with the day you wish to present, the name of the software (linked to the website), and a sentence or two about what it does. Please make your repository public [1] and link your below. (You are encouraged to comment here as soon as you’ve chosen a package; you can keep working on the file.) …View Comment

tpatki open issue flux-framework/PerfFlowAspect#125.

Add an example to show how to use Caliper

View Comment

balos1 open issue xsdk-project/xsdk-issues#248.

datatransferkit issue on Frontier when trilinos+rocm

``` …View Comment

bwpriest open issue LLNL/saltatlas#63.

way to turn off printouts inside of metric_hyperplane_partitioner?

Using a dhnsw object with a metric hyperplane partitioner prints to cout at initialization and destruction that look something like …View Comment

chakshinglee closed issue mfem/mfem#3856.

empty vdofs array in BilinearForm::Assemble when element matrices are pre-computed

The vdofs array on bilinearform.cpp#L484 is not filled when element_matrices is not NULL. …View Comment

jedbrown closed issue rsmpi/rsmpi#167.

Problems compiling version on Arch

Hi, …View Comment

eliasboegel closed issue mfem/mfem#3936.

Parallel FindPointsGSLIB, boundary normals

Hi, …View Comment

garlick closed issue flux-framework/flux-sched#1084.

not ok 6 - no jobs received alloc-check exception

It’s been a while since I built flux on this ubuntu 22.04 LTS desktop but I am reliably hitting this test failure (on @grondos make-deb-fix branch for #1082): …View Comment

jamiebramwell open issue LLNL/serac#1014.

Use correct primal values in the sensitivity calls

As written, the sensitivity calculation calls in the HeatTransfer and SolidMechanics modules will not use the correct primal field values (e.g. temperature) during the backward adjoint pass. See ….View Comment

v-dobrev closed issue xsdk-project/xsdk-issues#234.

mfem build with gcc1321

xr_l_g132-xsdk-100-linux-gcc1321 …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue LLNL/toss-stig#14.

investigate referencing FIPS 140-3 rules

Investigate using fips 140-3 as the reference, for things like ciphers, etc….View Comment

trws closed issue LLNL/camp#139.

implementation of `tuple_element<i,camp::tuple>` not allowing structured binding using `const auto`</p>Hello, ...View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5506.

doc: NAME section doesn't render in HTML man pages

Problem: man pages start with a NAME section with one line in a format like command/function - brief description. We have them in man pages generated by sphinx but not in the HTML. …View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#473.

Update JSON APIs to have a nested format

View Comment

jamiebramwell closed issue LLNL/serac#898.

Clean up field information interfaces

It seems like we’re using a lot of competing conventions for specifying field information in these interfaces: …View Comment

adammoody open issue LLNL/scr#553.

flux: test scalable restart correctness and performance

Here is the old issue opened with Flux about tolerating node failures. …View Comment

cyrush open issue Alpine-DAV/ascent#1202.

read the docs search may not be working

Same deal as conduit setup: …View Comment

imguoguo open issue imguoguo/Comments#36.

v-dobrev open issue hypre-space/hypre#981.

Code stalling in `HYPRE_ADSSolve` in v2.29.0 with CUDA 11.6.0

While testing MFEM 4.6 (build with CUDA) with hypre 2.29.0 (build with CUDA) using CUDA 11.6.0 on Lassen, I noticed that a few of the MFEM examples stall. This seems to happen inside calls to HYPRE_ADSSolve. If I use either hypre 2.28.0 or older CUDA (10.1.243) then there are no issues. …View Comment

adrienbernede open issue mfem/github-actions#9.

Update main to show the latest version of the code to newcomers.

The main branch is outdated because if it is used by someone, updating the branch would like break the CI of users. …View Comment

v-dobrev open issue mfem/mfem#3909.

Resolve Ginkgo warnings and fix Ginkgo backend selection

1. When testing MFEM 4.6 with Ginkgo 1.6.0, I noticed a lot of warnings about deprecation: …View Comment

bhatele open issue hpcgroup/pipit#109.

PyTorch reader

@siddharth9820…View Comment

balos1 closed issue LLNL/sundials#339.

IDAStopTest2 bug

bfec386d9 moved check for tn past tstop before check for tn past tout in IDAStopTest2: …View Comment

bwpriest closed issue LLNL/MuyGPyS#186.

Should refactor library internals to be "ifless"

Presently, brittle conditionals still proliferate in the codebase. We need to eventually remove all of this stuff with proper object-oriented design and inheritance to avoid yucky updates when we have to add features….View Comment

HennesHajduk open issue DedalusProject/dedalus#270.

Simple change in boundary conditions breaks code

Hi, …View Comment

v-dobrev closed issue spack/spack#32739.

Installation issue: mfem

### Steps to reproduce the issue…View Comment

chu11 open issue chu11/freeipmi-mirror#68.

libipmimonitoring: support physical security / asserted-deasserted combo

see …View Comment

v-dobrev open issue spack/spack#40264.

Concretizer internal error with a spec that previously worked

### Steps to reproduce…View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-pmix#85.

support pmix version 3.1.2 as installed on IBM coral systems

Problem: building flux-pmix on coral systems is a pain, but newer versions of flux-core require it to enable flux to bootstrap from LSF. …View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-sched#1089.

build: don't install grug2dot and resource-query

Problem: I noticed when reviewing #1082 that these programs which were tagged noinst under automake are now being installed: …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue LLNL/toss-stig#12.

Fix typo in TOSS-04-040630

check fix text mixes referencing /etc/aide.conf and /etc/aide/aide.confView Comment

jeremylt open issue CEED/libCEED#1355.


We should remove CEED_BASIS_COLLOCATED for the v0.13 release in the spring…View Comment

BradWhitlock open issue visit-dav/visit#18954.

Blueprint file polygonal mesh "yields no data" unless it has offsets.

### Describe the bug …View Comment

corbett5 closed issue GEOS-DEV/GEOS#1303.

SSLE-sedov problem seg faults with 6 or more ranks in a single direction.

On Quartz with clang 10.0.0, I imagine it’s a problem on other platforms too. I tried with 6-10 ranks, the problem is 10^3 so you’d at least hope that 10 would work. …View Comment

jedbrown open issue CSStipendRankings/CSStipendRankings#89.

CPT enrollment/fees

For students on an F-1 visa to do an internship through the Curricular Practical Training (CPT) program, many universities require them to enroll in an internship course during the summer. The student is generally responsible for paying tuition/fees for the summer, which can be a sizable fraction of their summer earnings. Some universities have created economical paths for CPT based on spring enrollment (when tuition is paid by TA/RA) or a special low-cost summer course. Is this a concept/relevant data for this project to track?…View Comment

vladotomov closed issue mfem/mfem#3802.

Discrepancy in error calculation for identical meshes and solutions

Hello, …View Comment

jamiebramwell open issue LLNL/serac#1004.

Remove non-time varying boundary condition options

it might be worth only supporting the function signatures that include time, so there’s half as many b.c. overloads to deal with …View Comment

agcapps open issue mfem/mfem#3886.

Quote characters causing link failure

I built MFEM on Linux with Camp and Umpire. I built MFEM into Ascent (, then built Ascent into a large physics simulation code. I had an error at my final linking step. The following were included in my link line (lightly edited). When I turned off Ascent’s use of MFEM, the error went away. …View Comment

mej closed issue mej/nhc#143.

check_cmd_dmesg() Reason Strings Cause Problems

When using check_cmd_dmesg() directly (as written in scripts/lbnl_cmd.nhc) with a negated match string, the default behavior of check_cmd_output() (which check_cmd_dmesg() wraps) used for error reporting causes the “Reason” field to contain not only the match string that was found (and shouldn’t have been) but also the line number where the match was found. In the case of dmesg output, the line number is almost completely useless; moreover, it prevents Slurm and other schedulers/RMs from being able to group all the affected nodes together – because the line numbers almost always differ! …View Comment

uvilla open issue ecrc/h2opus#8.

Compiling h2opus for CPU

I am trying to compile h2opus for CPUs. …View Comment

agcapps open issue LLNL/conduit#1166.

coordset::generate_strip should work for 1D explicit meshes

User Ryan Bleile reports that coordset::generate_strip() only works for uniform or rectilinear coordsets. Explicit coordsets decay to rectilinear, but the function (see throws an error when Ryan passed it an explicit coordset….View Comment

hppritcha open issue mpi-forum/mpi-issues#790.

mpi-4.1rc reviewer feedback for chap-11

Some of the reviewers’ comments were helpful and warrant at least discussion of whether to include in the mpi 4.1 standard. …View Comment

balos1 closed issue xsdk-project/xsdk-examples#47.

strumpack run takes a long time

``` …View Comment

adrienbernede closed issue LLNL/RAJA#1330.

TODO: Spack packaging and RADIUSS CI

Tasks remaining to achieve clean Spack/RADIUSS CI configuration: …View Comment

daboehme closed issue LLNL/Caliper#504.

loop interval and time interval priority

Hi, while running a loop_monitor with the following command we found that if the time interval is not set, it will use a default setting and override the iteration interval. …View Comment

SteVwonder open issue cue-lang/cue#2592.

[docs] Dynamic fields example has errors

### What version of CUE are you using (cue version)? …View Comment

correaa closed issue LLNL/qball#42.

Units in Qball

What are the units for the following parameters in Qball? …View Comment

hppritcha open issue ofiwg/libfabric#9315.

CXI provider not honoring FI_HMEM_DISABLE_P2P environment variable

Describe the bugView Comment

chu11 open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5436.

t2602-job-shell.t 21 - job-shell: test shell kill event handling: SIGKILL

My fix in #5431 didn’t appear to work. …View Comment

adammoody open issue NVIDIA/Megatron-LM#492.

[ENHANCEMENT] Tools for distributed data preprocessing

For the BigScience effort, I developed to parallelize data preprocessing of large datasets. As an example, by using 32 compute nodes, this reduces the time it takes to preprocess the 1TiB OSCAR dataset from days to an hour. It produces indexed_dataset files that are identical to those created by the script. An overview of the usage is written up in the “distributed data preprocessing” subsection here: …View Comment

hppritcha open issue open-mpi/ompi#11918.

rename coll cuda component to something more accelerator type neutral

The coll cuda component now makes use of the accelerator framework so is not directly tied to cuda support. …View Comment

mej open issue mej/nhc#143.


When using check_cmd_dmesg() directly (as written in scripts/lbnl_cmd.nhc) with a negated match string, the default behavior of check_cmd_output() (which check_cmd_dmesg() wraps) used for error reporting causes the “Reason” field to contain not only the match string that was found (and shouldn’t have been) but also the line number where the match was found. In the case of dmesg output, the line number is almost completely useless; moreover, it prevents Slurm and other schedulers/RMs from being able to group all the affected nodes together – because the line numbers almost always differ! …View Comment

gauthier12 open issue microsoft/PowerToys#28421.

Better french name for the toys.

### Microsoft PowerToys version…View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue HPC-Workforce-Development-and-Retention/hpc-wdr#91.

Blog article idea

This issue is described in bssw repo but we think would fit more naturally here… …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue LLNL/toss-stig#11.

TOSS-04-040950 - Remove redundant sysctl checking

Remove this text from the check text, it’s redundant: …View Comment

vladotomov closed issue CEED/Laghos#179.

Laghos fails with message -- unknown kernel -- higher order test with PA and higher order runs with -ok >= 8 fails with FA

Dear all, …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue HDFGroup/hdf5#3493.

Unclear which prop-list args are unused in H5Acreate2

Describe the bugView Comment

cyrush open issue LLNL/uberenv#123.

symlinking host config is broken with envs + extra spec constraints

This logic needs to be updated: …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue HDFGroup/hdf5_plugins#75.

New release of H5Z-ZFP available, 1.1.1…View Comment

artv3 closed issue LLNL/RAJA#1333.

Add plugin support for RAJA::launch

- [ ] Add tests …View Comment

daboehme open issue LLNL/Adiak#21.

Swap "[]" and "{}" for denoting sets and lists in typestrings

Python and JSON use “[]” for lists and “{}” for sets/lists. Adiak does the opposite, which is confusing. Let’s consider swapping it to align Adiak with existing practices….View Comment

mej closed issue mej/nhc#85.

New release

Hello! …View Comment

tpatki closed issue LLNL/variorum#463.

Linker Errors Due to Multiple Variable Definitions in 'nvidia_gpu_power_features.h' in newer version of gcc

### Description: …View Comment

chu11 closed issue chaos/mrsh#9.

union wait depreciated - suggested fix attached.

The following patch should make it work: …View Comment

adammoody open issue ROCmSoftwarePlatform/apex#115.

Problems building apex main branch with ROCm-5.4, 5.5, and 5.6

Describe the BugView Comment

bwpriest open issue LLNL/MuyGPyS#186.

Should refactor library internals to be "ifless"

Presently, brittle conditionals still proliferate in the codebase. We need to eventually remove all of this stuff with proper object-oriented design and inheritance to avoid yucky updates when we have to add features….View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/rfc#392.

rfc12: refocus on authentication

Problem: RFC 12’s main contribution is IMHO a discussion of flux’s use of userid and rolemask in messages, but it purports to be about the broad topic of the “flux security architecture”. …View Comment

tpatki open issue flux-framework/PerfFlowAspect#120.

Integrate Caliper into PFA for low-level performance counters

View Comment

balos1 closed issue LLNL/sundials#323.

Documentation for CVodeCreateB() is missing pointer

Looking here: …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue IanLee1521/

Add reference to ACT IAC hpc working group.

View Comment

v-dobrev open issue CEED/FMS#6.

Standardize MPI-parallel and time-dependent data descriptions

The current FMS data structures may be flexible enough to hold the required additional data, however, a specification of what specifically the data looks like is needed….View Comment

cyrush closed issue LLNL/conduit#808.

silo write support doesn't conform to current blueprint specs

View Comment

jeremylt open issue freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp#51344.

Test Variable Collides With Common User Variable

### Describe the Issue…View Comment

samuelkgutierrez open issue hpc/supermagic#4.

By Default SMGC_BIN_SIZE Has No Effect on Actual Binary Size

We need to default to -O0 so that SMGC_BIN_SIZE has an effect….View Comment

jakubcerveny open issue graphdeco-inria/gaussian-splatting#100.

Coordinate systems

Hi, thanks for making this amazing work available! …View Comment

agcapps open issue LLNL/axom#1170.

With C++17, compile error because of function return type incompatibility

With MSVC and C++17, a user compiling an application that calls Tribol and Axom ran into this: …View Comment

chu11 open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5399.

testsuite: t2260-job-list needs signal race workaround

Same fix as #5210 / #5302…View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue LLNL/toss-stig#10.

Update client alive settings

Change ClientAlive* settings to not drop long lived connections to …View Comment

brendenpetersen closed issue brendenpetersen/deep-symbolic-optimization#83.

training iteration N, current best R : 0.9

Hi, when current best R is good enough, such as 0.9782 after many training iterations, say 1330, is it possible to stop the code running? …View Comment

cyrush closed issue visit-dav/visit#17968.

Blueprint Plugin Support for new Root file Domain Index Scheme

Need to handle complex AMR domain layouts. …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue visit-dav/visit#18881.

Query on empty plot crashes viewer in 3.3 but not 3.2

### Describe the bug …View Comment

gauthier12 open issue justanhduc/task-spooler#48.

Unable to redirect output from command line

I would like to redirect the output of my command launched by task-spooler. …View Comment

trws open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5372.

32-bit breakage

In adding a jammy builder, I found that the ubuntu 386 builder hasn’t been finding some of our issues on 386. I fixed a few 32-bit issues that had a clear source in #5370, but the full check kicked out quite a lot of errors and failures, and failed to even report from some of the tests. This is a tracking issue for drawing these down, make recheck output below for at least a trace on some of the issues: …View Comment

balos1 closed issue xsdk-project/xsdk-issues#182.

trilinos-14.0.0 build error on MacOS -> hypre …View Comment

grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-coral2#86.

confusing job exception note when dws service is not loaded

On tioga, the flux-coral2-dws systemd service failed to load after a Flux restart. The issue reported by a user was unclear though: …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue LLNL/Silo#340.

Include silo version number in error messages

View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#462.

Rename powmon to var-monitor, allow sampling of utilization

Once @altahat2003’s utilization API is merged in, we should add this functionality to the current powmon, and allow for sampling both power and utilization. Renaming powmon to var-mon or varmonitor may be a good thing to do here as well….View Comment

amagela closed issue lanl/benchmarks#23.

Complete SPARTA benchmarks

View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5366.

testsuite: add CI coverage for memlimit test

Problem: #5359 adds a test t2410-sdexec-memlimit.t that is only run by the el8,system builder in CI, but it is currently skipped….View Comment

CamStan open issue LLNL/UnifyFS#790.

H5Bench small read benchmark failing with Mercury timeout

### Describe the problem you’re observing …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue LLNL/toss-stig#9.

Start tftpd securely (TOSS-

Currently the STIG checks /etc/xinetd.d/tftp for the presence of the -s argument to server_args, but in TOSS 4 / RHEL 8 that isn’t how we’re doing things… instead: …View Comment

markcmiller86 closed issue visit-dav/visit#17546.

Update docs on numerically controlled coloring to use continuous with non-smoothing

Creating a color mapping with detailed control over how colors map to a variable’s value is documented but it relies upon both discrete color table setup (where position data is actually always ignored and colors are uniformally distributed across the variable’s [min...max] range) and a conditional expression that achieves the correct range mapping (which is more tedius to set up the more color bands that are involved) …View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-docs#248.

nix workflow examples readthedocs rendering

Problem: While googling for some flux stuff I landed in the deprecated workflow examples readthedocs pages. Oops. We set the repo read-only, but maybe we forgot to remove these pages….View Comment

cyrush open issue Alpine-DAV/ascent#1183.

python extract update module import strategy and resolve deprecated module import messages

we are using a deprecated strategy to define our modules during python extracts: …View Comment

jeremylt closed issue freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp#51067.

Responsive Web design ( learn CSS color by building a set of colored markers) Step 5

These are the instructions=> You can have multiple self-closing meta elements on a web page. Each meta element adds information about the page that cannot be expressed by other HTML elements….View Comment

hppritcha open issue mpi-forum/mpi-issues#733.

MPI handles that are independent of MPI initialization model - clarification needed

# Problem …View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#454.

Variorum Print GPU utilization API should not call other platforms

The ` for (i = 0; i < P_NUM_PLATFORMS; i++) in the variorum_print_gpu_utilization(void)` API should be: …View Comment

samuelkgutierrez closed issue hpc/quo-vadis#5.

Creating a spack recipe for QV

So that a user can do …View Comment

markcmiller86 closed issue betterscientificsoftware/

Telecom best practices

We should write an article on telecomm best practices for hosts as well as participants and any technology-specific (e.g. BlueJeans, WebEx, Zoom, GoToMeeting, etc) practices. There are a lot of things hosts and participants should take into account when working via telecomms….View Comment

bwpriest open issue LLNL/MuyGPyS#174.

fast regression tutorial is a mess and needs a rewrite

What it says on the tin. The fast regression tutorial is not readable in its current state. I think we can simplify it by removing optimization, as it is not relevant to the tutorial. The purpose is to demonstrate the improved speed and low loss of posterior mean accuracy afforded by the fast regression workflow….View Comment

tzanio closed issue mfem/mfem#3752.

Your code is building fine on MSYS2 MINGW64

Only want to let you know….View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/rfc#385.

RFC 28: add a way to grow the resource set

Problem: there is no way to grow the resources set dynamically. …View Comment

markcmiller86 closed issue LLNL/Silo#213.

Update the FrameMaker documention

View Comment

cmoussa1 closed issue flux-framework/flux-accounting#365.

config.h include is missing from source code

Problem: just happened to notice that config.h is not included in many of the cpp source modules. It’s a good practice in autotools projects to include that right at the top of all (non-vendored) .c and .cpp source files, immediately following the copyright header, e.g. …View Comment

markcmiller86 closed issue betterscientificsoftware/

Test issue - ignore

I needed to re-gen a token used in our external-contributors action and am submitting this issue to test it is working with the updated token….View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-sched#1050.

config.h is missing from source code

Problem: as noted in flux-framework/flux-accounting#365, config.h is not included in many of the cpp source modules. It’s a good practice in autotools projects to include that right at the top of all (non-vendored) .c and .cpp source files, immediately following the copyright header, e.g. …View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#451.

Add `num_sockets` to the JSON get node power output.

View Comment

kennyweiss open issue LLNL/axom#1138.

Extend support for Marching Cubes example to non-mpi configs and Windows builds

In #1127. we observed that the Marching Cubes example segfaulted in our Windows configuration and disabled the tests there. …View Comment

artv3 closed issue LLNL/RAJAPerf#325.

MAT_MAT_SHARED checksums are bad

Checksums for all variants of MAT_MAT_SHARED kernel appear to match, but do not match checksum for Base_Seq kernel….View Comment

jeremylt open issue freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp#50958.

Challenge Uses Variable in User Code for Tests

### Describe the Issue…View Comment

adammoody open issue LLNL/UnifyFS#784.

NC_CLOBBER exposes delayed unlink bug

When creating a file in PnetCDF, one can use the NC_CLOBBER flag, which indicates that the created file should unlink/truncate any existing file by the same name. …View Comment

adammoody open issue LLNL/UnifyFS#783.

PnetCDF test leads to margo error, which leads to hang in ROMIO

While running a particular margo test ( with 4 ranks on 2 nodes, a read from rank 2 invokes a failure on the server, which generates the following logs: …View Comment

adammoody open issue pmodels/mpich#6585.

ROMIO: hang during MPI_File_read_at_all due to read error

I have an application which encounters a read error on one of four processes during a call to MPI_File_read_at_all. This error causes the rank to return from a loop before other ranks, which leads to a deadlock in an internal alltoall. …View Comment

samuelkgutierrez closed issue hpc/quo-vadis#64.

qv_thread: Interface Consideration

Would it make sense to add two members to qv_thread_args_t: …View Comment

eliasboegel closed issue eliasboegel/abmsat#1.

Change visualization to PyGame

Change to PyGame to enable animation speed at runtime…..View Comment

correaa closed issue catchorg/Catch2#2712.

compilation error with g++ 13 from missing header

Describe the bugView Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#441.

Overhead analysis on architectures that use file-system interfaces

IBM and ARM rely on opening/closing files to obtain (and set) power. These are significantly slower than MSR interfaces on Intel and AMD. We need to document such overheads clearly so that tools that integrate with Variorum can identify the source of their overhead. …View Comment

artv3 open issue LLNL/RAJA#1512.

Missing OMP Target support for RAJA::launch

We are missing support for OMP Target in RAJA::launch. …View Comment

hppritcha closed issue mpi-forum/mpi-issues#722.

Missing change log entry for issue 434

# Problem …View Comment

mplegendre closed issue LLNL/GOTCHA#100.

Build fails starting with glibc v2.34

As of version 2.34 of glibc (which is the latest as of Oct 2021), GOTCHA fails to build. The problem is that GOTCHA uses _dl_sym and in v2.34, this is no longer exported….View Comment

brendenpetersen closed issue brendenpetersen/deep-symbolic-optimization#81.

Ratio of training set to testing set

Hi, I notice the training parameter like below

IanLee1521 open issue LLNL/toss-stig#8.

Fix inconsistency in TOSS-04-020000

This rule confuses the use of 3 and 5 for the number of failures allowed in 15 minutes. …View Comment

brendenpetersen closed issue brendenpetersen/deep-symbolic-optimization#80.

Doubts about output

Hi, I have some questions about output! …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue visit-dav/visit#18809.

Add Python compatability smoke checks

We should do a little better warning users of potential issues with python/gcc compatability. …View Comment

alecbcs open issue spack/spackbot#89.

Spackbot should replay webhooks sent during a downtime

As is, Spackbot is loosing track of PRs when there’s a downtime. …View Comment

uvilla open issue pecos/tps#210.

Call MPI_Init from main rather then TPS::Tps

It turns out that calling MPI_Init from main rather than the TPS::Tps object is not as simple. …View Comment

bgunnar5 open issue LLNL/merlin#429.

[BUG] slurm_par example only spins up 1 node instead of 2

## Bug Report …View Comment

kennyweiss open issue LLNL/axom#1128.

Docker images missing `en_US` locale

Several of quest’s shaping_driver tests are failing in the CI for #1127 due to missing locales for en_US in the docker images. …View Comment

tgamblin closed issue spack/

Permission to contribute spack logo to devicons/nerd-fonts

Hi, …View Comment

eleon open issue LLNL/mpibind#42.

Set environment variable when mpibind is on

Feature request. Programs may benefit from knowing whether mpibind has been applied. For example, before doing affinity, they could check if mpibind has been applied and avoid binding their workers. When mpibind is not on, they could apply affinity. …View Comment

cjekel open issue huggingface/transformers#24451.

is_torch_bf16_gpu_available does not check for AMD GPUs

### System Info…View Comment

cyrush closed issue Alpine-DAV/ascent#1124.

vtk-m creates a statically-allocated Kokkos::view causing crash on Frontier

Hi, …View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#18790.

blueprint export needs to use relative path in root file

### Describe the bug …View Comment

BradWhitlock closed issue visit-dav/visit#18744.

Crash using weighted variable sum query.

### Describe the bug …View Comment

cyrush open issue LLNL/conduit#1132.

is…View Comment

kmittal2 closed issue mfem/mfem#3729.

How to interpolate between two 2D non-nested meshes in MFEM

Dear MFEM team, …View Comment

tpatki open issue LLNL/variorum#433.

Add get_gpu_util_json API

This will be a separate API, and will also get integrated into @altahat2003’s PR to report node utilization (through powmon, LDMS and application region marking). …View Comment

bwpriest open issue LLNL/MuyGPyS#162.

`lool` loss can be negative. Is this intended?

The lool loss is implemented as …View Comment

eleon closed issue LLNL/mpibind#41.

mpibind + "import torch" reduces CPU affinity

When using mpibind to assign procs to CPU cores, an import torch statement reduces the affinity to only use the first core of the assigned set. …View Comment

garlick closed issue worlickwerx/pi-cluster-two#64.

first manual reset of bus causes power up of random compute modules

Problem: When power is applied, all compute modules reliably remain off, however manually resetting the bus immediately after causes some boards that were off to turn on. …View Comment

BradWhitlock open issue visit-dav/visit#18779.

matvf expression does not return refined material VFs for HO material.

### Describe the bug …View Comment

dylan-copeland closed issue LLNL/libROM#195.

error in merge phase: bad submatrix

I’m trying to create a simple ROM for a transient heat conduction problem based on ex16.cpp in MFEM. I’m trying to base my ROM on nonlinear_elasticity_global_rom.cpp. …View Comment

kennyweiss closed issue LLNL/axom#1104.

In Klee, allow materials to participate in shaping and replacement rules without geometric data

Our Klee format currently supports input geometry in stl and c2c format. …View Comment

hppritcha open issue open-mpi/ompi#11763.

accelerator framework - add ze component

The accelerator framework needs a ZE component for, among other things, the Aurora system at ANL. …View Comment

gillette7 open issue mfem/PyMFEM#180.

segment-nurbs.mesh won't run in PyMFEM

A colleague and I are trying to use to the file segment-nurbs.mesh for a project employing PyMFEM but it seems it will not work for some reason. For instance, regular compiled mfem will handle this mesh: …View Comment

amagela closed issue lanl/benchmarks#24.

Complete MiniEM documentation

View Comment

jamiebramwell open issue LLNL/serac#947.

Add `reset` to physics modules

We need a method to reset the internal state variables to their initial condition without destroying a physics module instance. This should be fairly easy to implement as we just have to reinitialize the primal, dual, and quadrature data fields much like is done in the constructor of each physics class….View Comment

koning open issue mfem/mfem#3725.

Please restructure spack config, umpire camp issue

This is a request to restructure the spack config for easier derivation. I would like to so something like the code below , but can’t since configure is monolithic. If the options creation was separated from the configure function, this would work. …View Comment

samuelkgutierrez open issue hpc/quo-vadis#64.

qv_thread: Interface Consideration

Would it make sense to add two members to qv_thread_args_t: …View Comment

tzanio closed issue mfem/mfem#3712.

Bug in partial assembly version of the transpose of `VectorDivergenceIntegrator`

Summary : The partial assembly version of the transpose of VectorDivergenceIntegrator results in a heap overflow as detected by AddressSanitizer. …View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5244.

flux module: consider allowing guests to use list and status subcommands

Problem: flux module list and flux module stats are restricted to instance owner. …View Comment

cmoussa1 closed issue cmoussa1/cs236-project#2.

map: parse rows for "Canceled" field

The rows in customer-reservations.csv contain a field called “booking_status” that contain either “Canceled” or “Not_Canceled,” indicating whether the customer actually ended up staying at the hotel. If a customer ended up canceling their reservation, it should not be counted towards the hotel’s revenue for that month since it was never fulfilled. …View Comment

adammoody open issue LLNL/mpibind#41.

mpibind + import torch reduces CPU affinity

When using mpibind to assign procs to CPU cores, an import torch statement reduces the affinity to only use the first core of the assigned set. …View Comment

kennyweiss open issue LLNL/axom#1117.

Update automatic formatting to ensure one-liners are braced

We recently noticed that our automatic formatting (via clang-format) does not enforce braces around single-line control statements (e.g. if, for, …). …View Comment

adammoody closed issue microsoft/DeepSpeed#3653.

[BUG] ROCm build error: __half2_raw excess elements in struct initializer

Describe the bugView Comment

tpatki open issue flux-framework/PerfFlowAspect#113.

Add AOP references to RTD

AOP papers/intro slides: …View Comment

brendenpetersen closed issue brendenpetersen/deep-symbolic-optimization#67.

# AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'execute'

Dear Petersen, …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue LLNL/toss-stig#7.

Update supported release dates

Need to fix dates …View Comment

jedbrown open issue flamegraph-rs/flamegraph#267.

flamegraph --palette=hot fails to downcast to Palette

I get this on current main (00d66a7e0f5af28ca5071f350345b9fa453a078d). I don’t know if this is a side-effect from an inferno or clap update. …View Comment

benzwick open issue SlicerCBM/SlicerFreeSurferCommands#3.

Add vtkMRMLSegmentationNode to FreeSurfer SynthStrip Skull Strip (Scripted) module

It has been added to the GUI in commit 45c2419 but not working in Slicer yet. …View Comment

SteVwonder closed issue Cape-Fear-Makers-Guild/gandalf#8.

Support mounting a config and provide docker-compose example

There is already a and in the repo. Support mounting one of those in the container so we can store secrets outside the repo/image….View Comment

BradWhitlock closed issue LLNL/axom#996.

Investigate accuracy of intersection-based shaping

There were some accuracy issues when shaping discretized revolved contours into 3D meshes. …View Comment

BradWhitlock open issue visit-dav/visit#18744.

Crash using weighted variable sum query.

### Describe the bug …View Comment

benzwick open issue SlicerCBM/SlicerCBM#70.

Fix SkullGenerator module

- [ ] Do not save files to the source code directory (create new nodes in Slicer instead and allow user to save them)….View Comment

mplegendre open issue dyninst/dyninst#1437.

Dyninst instrumentation breaks C++ exception handling on Linux

This is an old issue with Dyninst going back decades, but after talking with the Dyninst team it may need to be redocumented. …View Comment

brendenpetersen closed issue brendenpetersen/deep-symbolic-optimization#63.

How do I used it for binomial distribution?

I am using dso for a response of 0 and 1, how do I set p to be Bernoulli distribution below? …View Comment

markcmiller86 closed issue LLNL/H5Z-ZFP#113.

Help with recent update

@brtnfld I am completely perplexed by something I’ve done here… …View Comment

v-dobrev closed issue xsdk-project/xsdk-examples#40.

Testing of release v0.4.0

Hello @xsdk-project/ecp-xsdk, …View Comment

BradWhitlock closed issue visit-dav/visit#18619.

Blueprint MFEM support: LOR to create matsets (vol fracs)

### Is your feature request related to a problem? …View Comment

cmoussa1 open issue flux-framework/flux-docs#243.

flux-accounting guide: change instructions for job-archive

Now that flux-framework/flux-accounting#357 has been opened, the flux-accounting guide should be updated to reflect the new instructions for setting up job-archival for job usage and fair share calculation for flux-accounting. It should remain open, however, until that PR lands and a new tag is created….View Comment

benzwick open issue SlicerCBM/SlicerFreeSurferCommands#2.

Document how to set FREESURFER_HOME in slicerrc file…View Comment

kennyweiss closed issue LLNL/axom#1040.

Respect existing volume fractions in sample-based shaper

Quest’s intersection-based shaping query respects the existing volume fractions when shaping in new geometry. …View Comment

amagela open issue lanl/benchmarks#34.

update figures to have numbered caption

We like having numbered captions for each figure so they can be referenced within the text easily. See UMT, Sparta, and MiniEM for examples of how to do this. …View Comment

trws closed issue spack/spack#31476.

Installation issue: llvm

### Steps to reproduce the issue…View Comment

adrienbernede open issue LLNL/radiuss-shared-ci#26.

Specs and Spack updates

We need to add oneapi on ruby. …View Comment

jeremylt open issue CEED/libCEED#1224.

Operator/QFunction SubMatrix Interface

We should design an interface by which a QFunction can have children associated with it that provide the action of submatrices. Then an Operator could automatically create a submatrix operator for an appropriate subset of active fields….View Comment

bgunnar5 closed issue LLNL/merlin#423.

[BUG] MERLIN_SPEC variables are not working properly

## Bug Report …View Comment

correaa open issue seanbaxter/circle#166.

regression in 195 (from 194)

Hi, …View Comment

cmoussa1 closed issue flux-framework/flux-accounting#259.

docs: update and create more in-depth flux-accounting documentation

A great suggestion was brought up in a team meeting last week about creating some more in depth documentation about configuring and using flux-accounting for our admins and perhaps creating a set of documentation pages similar to flux-core’s ReadTheDocs site. The information on these pages could include some of the following, just to name a few: …View Comment

vsoch open issue flux-framework/flux-operator#166.

Allow custom install root for flux

Akin to how we are running into needing to distinguish /usr from /lusr/local for flux python bindings, the operator should be flexible to having flux installed in different locations. This should be easy enough to do with a variable….View Comment

gillette7 closed issue vtopt/DelaunaySparse#9.

python bindings not creating

I’m now encountering this error when trying to run from the python subfolder. The first part are slatec errors, which are explained in Issue # 8. The issue here is that (possibly because of that?) it’s not creating the file, which is required for the python bindings to work. Here’s the error; system info at the bottom of the issue: …View Comment

lucaudill open issue hpc/charliecloud#1650.

add `-s`/`--storage` to `ch-convert`

ch-image and ch-run both have --storage options, but ch-convert doesn’t. We should add one….View Comment

correaa open issue ericniebler/range-v3#1780.

Enable borrowed range for ranges without copy constructor by default

This is from a discussion at cppnow with @brevzin. …View Comment

CRobeck closed issue LLNL/RAJA#1479.

HIP tests pass on develop but fail with most recent release

With v2022.10.5, these two HIP tests fail: …View Comment

JustinPrivitera closed issue visit-dav/visit#18674.

Color Table Window (and others?) has gui elements on top of each other

### Describe the bug …View Comment

victorapm closed issue hypre-space/hypre#875.

hypre error with rocm/5.4.3

Hi @pbauman …View Comment

chrundle closed issue alsdudrla10/DG#3.

Dimension mismatch error

Hello, …View Comment

adayton1 open issue kokkos/mdspan#259.

Godbolt example broken

It looks like the latest commit to the single-header branch broke things. There are a bunch of errors regarding redefinitions (one example is below): …View Comment

bhatele closed issue hatchet/hatchet#471.

Support for Perfetto Trace Format

I just want to make y’all aware that, sometime in the semi-near future, I intend to add a new “perfetto” reader. Or someone else can. It will require perfetto to be added as a Python package and will enable support for a lot of profiling tools, e.g. many tools use the Perfetto API to generate protobufs via the perfetto SDK, e.g. magic trace, rocprof generates the JSON equivalent of the protobufs, the new AMD profiling tool omnitrace, a Kokkos-Tools connector, etc. …View Comment

SteVwonder closed issue Cape-Fear-Makers-Guild/gandalf#5.

Reset data model/migrations

Just to have a smaller/cleaner migration stack…View Comment

jandrej open issue EnzymeAD/Enzyme#1135.

Error when passing function pointers in std::function

Reproducer…View Comment

adayton1 open issue LLNL/CHAI#225.

More configuration checking

Should CHAI_ENABLE_PINNED=ON be a configuration error if CUDA/HIP/GPU simulation mode are all disabled? …View Comment

jakubcerveny closed issue jakubcerveny/gilbert#6.

Closed form

Hey i just wanted to know if there was any research been done in achieving a closed form for this curve. …View Comment

hppritcha closed issue open-mpi/ompi#11407.

MPI-4: Session error handler function not called

I’m working on implementing Create_errhandler() methods in mpi4py. I’ve always procrastinate to do it because a) no one ever asked, and b) creating error handlers with the C bindings is definitely not friendly for dynamic languages like Python, so a compromise have to be made (e.g. limiting the number of error handlers that can be ever created). However, after mpi4py/mpi4py#307 from @bosilca to support ULFM and realizing that many ULFM tests/examples/tutorials do use custom error handlers, I decided to move forward in mpi4py/mpi4py#310. As usual, I’ve added some lightweight testing, but one of my tests failed when using Session, but Comm/Win/File are OK. …View Comment

markcmiller86 closed issue LLNL/Silo#305.

Poor logic in rect grid function

Saw following warning fly by doing other work and wanted to make a note.. …View Comment

grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-coral2#59.

systemd: use `BindsTo=flux.service` instead of `Requires=flux.service`

As noted in flux-framework/flux-core#5072 and flux-core/flux-accounting#337, we found that Requires=flux.service in systemd unit files of flux “service” scripts is causing flux to restart unexpectedly when it should stay shut down….View Comment

grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-accounting#337.

systemd: use `BindTo=flux.service` instead of `Requires=flux.service`

When upgrading a system to the latest flux-core, we noticed that flux was unexpectedly restarted by systemd, even after shutdown caused the broker to exit with the special exit code 42 defined in RestartPreventExitStatus=42 (See flux-framework/flux-core#5072). …View Comment

CamStan closed issue ECP-VeloC/spath#27.

SPath release

## Process …View Comment

CamStan closed issue ECP-VeloC/shuffile#30.

Shuffile release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

CamStan closed issue ECP-VeloC/redset#48.

Redset release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

CamStan closed issue ECP-VeloC/rankstr#21.

Rankstr release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

CamStan closed issue ECP-VeloC/er#36.

ER release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

CamStan closed issue ECP-VeloC/KVTree#69.

KVTree release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

CamStan closed issue ECP-VeloC/AXL#139.

AXL release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

IanLee1521 open issue elastic/support-diagnostics#625.

Tokens not getting scrubbed?

Hi there! …View Comment

kennyweiss closed issue LLNL/axom#914.

Add `intersection_volume(Hexahedron, Tetrahedron)` geometric primitive to primal

A user requested a new primitive operation in primal to return the intersection volume between a hexahedron and a tetrahedron. …View Comment

jeremylt open issue freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp#49922.

Record Collection - Users not reading bullet points together

### Describe the Issue…View Comment

garlick open issue flux-framework/flux-coral2#52.

jobtap plugin not loaded: disabling operation

I happened to notice on rzvernal that this message appears when launching slurm -> flux -> cray MPI program: …View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#18619.

Blueprint MFEM support: LOR to create matsets (vol fracs)

### Is your feature request related to a problem? …View Comment

markcmiller86 open issue visit-dav/visit#18618.

Improve color table exports

### Is your feature request related to a problem? …View Comment

hppritcha open issue spack/spack#36556.

add opensm spack package

This is related to issue #16874 . It was suggested in that issue to add opensm as a spack package, then adding a dependency in the openmpi spack package to include that as a dependency when building openmpi with fabric=verbs variant. …View Comment

cmoussa1 closed issue flux-framework/flux-accounting#333.

users still prevented from submitting to queue after it has been removed

Possibly related to #332, if I delete a queue with flux account delete-queue ..., then run flux account-priority-update, users who were not given access to it continue to be unable to submit to it….View Comment

gardner48 closed issue LLNL/sundials#251.

make test failed with icpx && onemkl

# I’m compiling cvode-6.5.0 with icx && icpx for sundials_mkldense based on oneapi-2023.0.0 …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/spath#27.

SPath release

## Process …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/shuffile#30.

Shuffile release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/redset#48.

Redset release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/rankstr#21.

Rankstr release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/er#36.

ER release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

CamStan open issue ECP-VeloC/AXL#139.

AXL release for VeloC v1.7

## Process …View Comment

camierjs closed issue libocca/occa#86.

Pass variables outside @outer loops to launched kernels as additional arguments

``` …View Comment

benzwick open issue SlicerCBM/SlicerCBM#34.

Put modules in categories

List of possible categories: …View Comment

rrsettgast open issue GEOSX/GEOS#2363.

potential incorrect application of `NDEBUG`

Describe the bugView Comment

tgamblin open issue spack/spack#31502.

Error: No module named 'decimal' on environment install

### Steps to reproduce…View Comment

grondo open issue flux-framework/flux-core#5013.

need a way to add to rolemask for msg_handlers from python

It doesn’t appear there is currently a good way to adjust the rolemask of a message watcher/handler from Python. …View Comment

trws closed issue desul/desul#101.

nvcc warnings on inline __device__ unsigned long long device_atomic_fetch_dec

This is a reposting (hopefully to the right project) of …View Comment

BradWhitlock open issue LLNL/conduit#1098.

Adjacency set documentation is obtuse / not helpful.

I read through the doc for adjacency sets and it did not help me understand them. I think it needs to include more of the motivation for why these are needed and walk through an example of how to construct one and what it means to make one….View Comment

BradWhitlock closed issue LLNL/axom#1050.

Enhance Axom so the shaping driver can write data that includes matsets for visualization.

The shaping driver writes out materials as a set of scalar volume fraction arrays. Make it also write out the matset information needed so VisIt can interpret the material data as real materials so plots like FilledBoundary work….View Comment

vladotomov closed issue mfem/mfem#3545.

Topology Optimization with HiOp

Hello everyone! …View Comment

amagela closed issue lanl/benchmarks#10.

update SPARTA

This is an issue to update SPARTA information. …View Comment

tpatki open issue flux-framework/PerfFlowAspect#92.

X events for around_async

We need to add X events for around_async as well, but before that, we need to resolve the multithreading/locking related issues on both python and C side …View Comment

tgamblin closed issue spack/spack#13528.

Spack ability to install or dev-build by git reference instead of version

Provide the ability to specify a git reference in place of version for install, dev-build, build-env. …View Comment

cyrush closed issue visit-dav/visit#18577.

FileFunctions::Absname should be hardended against absolute paths being passed in

### Describe the bug …View Comment

adayton1 closed issue LLNL/RAJA#1430.

Invalid device function on first kernel

I updated to the latest CAMP, Umpire, RAJA, and CHAI (from 2022.03 to 2022.10) and now my tests are crashing on the first call to RAJA::forall<RAJA::cuda_exec<256, true»: …View Comment

rrsettgast open issue GEOSX/GEOS#2343.

test epic functionality

View Comment

jamiebramwell open issue LLNL/serac#901.

PDF generation in read the docs is failing

Readthedocs recently turned on pdf generation failures disabling the entire doc build. This uncovered the fact that the pdf build is failing. I turned this off in .readthedocs.yaml, but we should investigate why this is happening. It looks like their pdf builder can’t handle our math LaTeX commands….View Comment

cbritopacheco closed issue ISCDtoolbox/Advection#5.

Surface mode fails on some architectures due to uninitialized variables

Hello, …View Comment

artv3 open issue LLNL/RAJA#1458.

Offer arbitrary global indexing for RAJA launch

For deeply nested loops consider an interference which allows for arbitrary global threading …View Comment

tgamblin closed issue lukeorth/poison#59.

HasChildren = false doesn't seem to work

I’ve got this in config.toml: …View Comment

adayton1 open issue LLNL/Caliper#476.

Integration with HPCToolkit

Are there bindings to export Caliper annotations to HPCToolkit? If not, it would be very helpful to have (and my guess is that it would be fairly simple to add)….View Comment

tgamblin open issue lukeorth/poison#59.

HasChildren = false doesn't seem to work

I’ve got this in config.toml: …View Comment

corbett5 closed issue GEOSX/GEOSX#2222.

incorrect assumption (3-shared nodes) about element-face connectivity for prisms

Describe the bugView Comment

alecbcs open issue spack/spack#36044.

Albany homepage no longer exists …View Comment

cyrush closed issue LLNL/conduit#1076.

DataArray::diff string comparison error</p>The diff method does not appear to compare strings properly if a string has been overwritten into a node that already had a longer string. I assume that it saw that it did not have to reallocate and it stores "quad\0" into the existing buffer. Then diff() subtracts 1 off the end of the char buffer length but that does not reflect the length of the string. So, we end up comparing "quad" vs "quad\0on" and the comparison fails. ...View Comment

cyrush closed issue visit-dav/visit#18204.

Add original zone IDs for new LOR in blueprint plugin

Marbl folks would like to plot curve meshes …View Comment

jamiebramwell open issue mfem/mfem#3531.

Error prone vector interfaces due to reference semantics

I recently came across a bug where the underlying data pointer in an mfem::Vector was changed in the middle of a Sundials nonlinear function callback. This caused the connection between the SundialsNVector and the Sundials-controlled N_Vector to be broken. While the code ran just fine, the solver failed to converge and resulted in a difficult to trace error. …View Comment

bwpriest open issue LLNL/MuyGPyS#96.

Need torch MuyGPyS layer to support 64 bit optimization

We currently need to use $ export MUYGPYS_FTYPE=32 for MuyGPyS.torch.muygpys_layer to perform correctly during optimization. This is because .float() is hardcoded therein. We need to modify this behavior so that it depends on mm.ftype. …View Comment

koning closed issue LLNL/merlin#384.

[FEAT] Launch workers with flux if it is the main scheduler

View Comment

bhatele closed issue hatchet/hatchet#494.

build failure on python 3.11, longintrepr.h not found

Appears to be related to cython: …View Comment

brendankeith closed issue mfem/mfem#3511.

Using HiOp NLP optimizer in topology optimization problem

Hi everyone! …View Comment

balos1 open issue LLNL/sundials#255.

Support GPU backends other than Intel in our SYCL modules

Opening this issue based on comments in #251. Note: currently this is not planned….View Comment

aschaf open issue mfem/mfem#3516.

Issue with destructor of BlockOperator

Hi, …View Comment

bwpriest open issue LLNL/MuyGPyS#94.

library needs to be more functional

I have come to the conclusion that MuyGPyS has too many procedural conditionals to be maintainable. We need to refactor much of the library to functionally construct MuyGPs processes in a way that is set at object creation time. In particular, we need to break MuyGPS.regress into MuyGPS.posterior_mean() and MuyGPS.posterior_variance(). Rather than writing these methods as normal member functions, they should be defined at object creation time based upon model choices - e.g. homo/heterscedasticity, variance form, etc. There are other examples that I will document in this thread as they arise….View Comment

cmoussa1 open issue flux-framework/flux-docs#215.

flux-accounting: update set up and installation instructions

Now that the flux-accounting service can be controlled with systemd, the installation and set up instructions should be updated to include this. …View Comment

adayton1 closed issue LLNL/Umpire#801.

fmt bleeds out of Umpire

Describe the bugView Comment

adayton1 open issue LLNL/RAJA#1452.

Windows build issues

In include/RAJA/ …View Comment

adayton1 open issue pbtoast/polytope#19.

Support C++17

C++17 removes std::bind2nd from the std library. It’s easy to replace the two instances of it in src/ …View Comment

amagela closed issue lanl/benchmarks#1.

add sphinx example for consideration

It would be helpful to add a Sphinx example for consideration. …View Comment

adammoody open issue LLNL/scr#535.

Restart with a different number of ranks

SCR currently allows an application to restart with a different number of ranks. However, one must avoid calling the SCR restart API in that case. …View Comment

kennyweiss open issue LLNL/axom#1038.

PointInCell occasionally missing the element

A user observed that the PointInCell query is not finding the cell containing some query points in some cases where visual inspection indicates an obvious candidate cell. …View Comment

bgunnar5 open issue LLNL/merlin#401.

[BUG] JSON Schema Validation causes failures with restarts/resubmits

## Bug Report …View Comment

correaa closed issue QMCPACK/qmcpack#4434.

The AFQMC fails on CRAY EX

Describe the bugView Comment

CRobeck open issue LLNL/RAJAPerf#301.

Add a kernel that exercises long double in a struct captured by in a lambda to test storage/alignment

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