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RAJA 0.7.0 Released


Reading time: 1 min

RAJA is a software abstraction that systematically encapsulates platform-specific code to enable applications to be portable across diverse hardware architectures without major source code disruption. The v0.7.0 release contains several major changes, new features, a variety of bug fixes, and expanded user documentation and accompanying example codes. Major changes include:

  • RAJA::forallN and RAJA::forall methods were marked deprecated in the v0.6.0 release and have been removed.
  • CUDA execution policies for use in RAJA::kernel policies have been significantly reworked and redefined to be much more flexible and provide improved run time performance.
  • Improved support for loop tiling algorithms, CPU cache blocking, CUDA GPU thread local data, and shared memory
  • Expanded documentation and example codes for the RAJA::kernel interface

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