Docker Images

Container Bases

This project focused on developing docker-images, a set of container bases that can be used by other rse-ops and lab projects.

  1. A base container is a base operating system typically with spack and compilers installed
  2. A matrix image is one level above that, with typically a core piece of software across several versions
  3. Both base images and matrix builds are triggered on a nightly basis using updated dependencies.

Use Cases

I have an open source project that requires cmake and a particular stack of software that is easily built with the spack package manager. I can easily start with a base image to save hours of build time, and optimally build and test my own project without worrying about building the base environment.


The deliverables for this proposal included:

  1. A set of core builds derived from Dockerfile and other metadata files in rse-ops/docker-images
  2. Automated workflows to run nightly to rebuild bases and matrix containers
  3. A self-updating web interface to find the latest containers and versions at
  4. A custom pull request / merge workflow that only triggers builds for changes.

Opportunities for extension include adding other bases, architectures, or matrix builds.


  • code teams


The only need is a GitHub repository with support for running workflows.