This site is currently under development for the RSE-ops community.



Browse our community knowledge base, and contribute directly or request an addition!

Container Bases

Use our library of Docker container bases for your software builds hosted on GitHub packages.

Continuous Integration (CI)

Get started with setting up CI for your project with our repository of examples, organized by build type.

RSE-ops Docs Jekyll

Want to create a few pages of documentation to match the site here? This template can help.

ReadTheDocs Theme

Easily deploy sphinx documentation, either on readthedocs, or GitHub pages with preview on CircleCI.

Software Checklist

Want to see how you are doing for good development practices? Take our quick assessment.


GCP Django Template

Want to get started to deploy a Django application to Google Cloud? This template can get you started.

GCP Flask Template

Want to get started to deploy a Flask application to Google Cloud? This template can get you started.

If you'd like to help brainstorm or contribute ideas or feedback, join the conversation at the roadmap repository and discussion area.